The new Egyptian education system


The new Egyptian education system
The new Egyptian education system

In accordance with the developments that the world is witnessing in all sectors, and after the distance between us and the outside world has increased; As a result of the development of educational curricula, we have had to move towards development, and also look towards the future, and when talking about the future, we must find ourselves talking about the children of this country, because the children of Egypt are the real wealth that can advance the country to reach what we all wish for, A prosperity that fulfills and meets all the demands of the people of this ancient country. In order to be able to understand the new education system in Egypt, you must know the principles and rules upon which the education system in Egypt is built.

First: The number of students and teachers in Egypt

According to the Minister of Education and Technical Education, Dr. Tarek Shawky, the number of students in Egypt at all educational levels reaches 22 million, and the number of teachers affiliated with the Ministry of Education reaches one million and 300 thousand teachers.

Second: A numerical comparison between Egypt, Singapore and Finland

The Minister of Education and Technical Education, Dr. Tariq Shawky, also stated that there is great progress in Singapore at the level of education, noting that the number of students in Singapore is only 720,000, while the number of teachers is 32,000.

The minister added that Finland is also witnessing a remarkable development in the educational process, noting that the number of its students reaches one million male and female students only, while the number of its teachers reaches 67,000.

According to the previous statistics, we find that there is a large difference in terms of numbers, whether at the level of students or teachers, and this reflects the size of the cost and the difference between the size of the cost here and there.

He stressed that students, teachers, administrators and workers make up 40% of the state's administrative apparatus in the Ministry of Education.

Free education in Egypt

The Minister of Education stressed that one of the biggest problems in Egypt is free government schools, and he likened them to the vast majority, because they represent 68% of all schools in Egypt, while private schools and languages ​​represent 12%, and experimental schools of languages ​​1%, and also international schools are less than 1%.

Education problems in Egypt

Dr. Tariq Shawky said that we aim to develop education in all public schools, and in particular the focus will be on those who receive very little and inappropriate quality of education, stressing that the problems are very many, whether in the density of "students in the classroom", the infrastructure or the conditions of teachers.

In this report, we review the mechanisms for developing the education system in Egypt, which is known as "Education System 0.2":

The national project for the development of education in Egypt, which is known as Education System 0.2, is applied to the kindergarten, first and second grades of primary school, provided that the revised assessment system is applied to the secondary stage.

This is due to the state’s dissatisfaction with the level of education in Egypt, where the educational system lacks the skills of the age, because the rules of the current education system were established after World War II, which is not commensurate with the developments of the current era.

According to the Minister of Education, the new education system in Egypt will include several directions, as changing and developing the textbook, with the development of the general form of Arabic, mathematics, English and religious education books. The minister also said that there is a radical change in the form of classes and the method of teaching to suit The new curricula, explaining that the ministry has responded to parents and prepared the high-level English language book “connect plus” for the first and second primary grades for the first and second semesters.

The Minister of Education indicated that the duration of the academic year must be increased in Egypt, in order to ensure the higher interest of the student, so that he can absorb the study materials, because the issue of developing education in Egypt is not transient, but this is the future of education in Egypt and our real investment that contributes to The height of the homeland and its elevation.

Evaluation of the experience of the new education system last year

The Minister of Education said that the experience of last year in kindergarten and first grade was evaluated, with the help of independent international institutions, where the reports of these institutions were used, and accordingly we decided to build curricula at a faster pace so that Egypt possesses an integrated education system, starting from the kindergarten stage Even high school.

Investing in preparing educational curricula according to the new education system in Egypt

Dr. Tarek Shawky stated that it is planned to invest in the preparation of educational curricula at an accelerated pace, within 3 years instead of 10 years, for all school years to ensure that Egypt has new curricula in line with Egypt’s vision for sustainable development 2030, noting that new concepts are being introduced into the curricula. Such as environmental and tourism concepts, in addition to the concepts of identity and history.

Features of the new education system for the first grades (from KG1 to the third grade of primary school)

1- Canceling all exams from KG1 to the third grade of primary school, with the development of other methods of evaluating students.

2- A radical change in the curriculum

3- Only 4 books per student

4- The four books are: the Arabic language book, the English language book, and also the religion book, in addition to a package book to collect some cognitive terms, paragraphs and concepts (scientific, mathematical, arithmetic and historical).

5- The ideas of the four books revolve around fixed points such as (I am who - who is my family - what is my homeland - what is the world around me - what are the continents - some characteristics of the continents - how the world originated - how to communicate with others..etc) .

6- Some primitives such as human formation - diets - hygiene - insects - animals - plants - sea waves - are taught with a group of life sciences (simple things that fit the mentality and ages of children).

7- A comprehensive change of the concept of education through memorization, as the new education system depends on understanding and knowledge only.

8- Integrating the high-level subject with the textbook in the English language to become one book, to improve the child's level in the first foreign language since childhood.

9- The process of merging the high level with the textbook is valid for the new education system only from the stages “KG1, KG and first primary.”

10- There are no external books for the new education system, so be careful, because what external books depend on is memorization and model answers, which is inconsistent with the Ministry's books.

11- To verify the original copy of the Ministry's book, you will find on it the author's name as well as the name of the publishing house, in addition to the Ministry's logo and the Knowledge Bank.

12- The package book is translated into languages, for language schools (experimental and private), and for regular government schools, the package book will be taught in Arabic.

The new high school education system

The minister also confirmed that the ministry had succeeded in establishing the digital infrastructure in more than 2,500 Egyptian secondary schools, and equipped more than 11,000 classes, which gives the possibility to implement electronic exams and electronic correction for the first grade of secondary school, and absorb the number of exams, which averages 480,000 exams per day. across the republic.

In terms of high school questions in the new education system, multiple-difficulty question banks with international standards were built for all subjects in the first and second grades, standards for electronic correction of questions were also built, and electronic content was built with international standards for the first and second grades, and they were placed on a platform Learning in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank on the Internet.

The name of the tablet high school or the cumulative high school

The Minister of Education directed the need to use the correct words and accurately, and not to use descriptive terms such as “tablet high school” and “cumulative high school.” He also stressed that the revised assessment system is the basis of what happens in the general secondary stage, in terms of measuring learning outcomes, and qualifying our children for the labor market.

The minister stressed that the tablet is free, as it will be at the state’s expense, according to the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, noting that 2,530 schools have been connected to internal networks, noting that the tablet will be in the student’s possession, and there will also be interactive screens in each of these schools.

Features of the new high school education system

1- The change in the system of high school is only related to the method of examinations and evaluation of students.

2- The tablet is not everything in the new system, but it is a tool for student assessment.

3- The first secondary grade is an introductory transfer year, and its grades are not added to the student’s assessment, or to be counted upon entering the university, provided that the grades of the second and third grades of secondary school are calculated.

4- The main objectives of using the tablet are (eliminate cheating - eliminate leakage - eliminate correction errors - eliminate the committees of the children of the great - eliminate the idea of ​​the standardized exam - eliminate model answers).

5- The exam in the new system of high school is based on understanding, not memorization.

6- The tablet will be given free of charge from the state.

The process of training teachers in the new education system

There is a priority given by the Ministry to train teachers on the new education system, as trainings were held for teachers of first and second grades, which will continue throughout the entire academic year, in order to train in the use of modern technologies and teaching strategies, to develop students' skills, in parallel with their access to scientific content from Through the knowledge bank that the ministry provides to students and teachers on the Internet.

The goal of the new education system in Egypt, "according to the Minister of Education, Dr. Tarek Shawky"

Dr. Tarek Shawky, Minister of Education, explained that the main objective of the new education system, which has been in place in Egypt for two years, is "learning," stressing that attention to "examination grades" spoiled the educational process.

The minister briefly reviewed the goal of the new system, as it works to teach the child the correct ways to learn the language, in a balanced way, so that the child is able to appreciate many skills, such as music, arts and languages.

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